3 fantastic activities to enjoy in Wales
Wales is famed for its colourful, magical history, it's diverse and enchanting landscapes and it's friendly, welcoming people.
With that in mind, of course Wales is jam packed with outdoor activities for you to enjoy from mountain tops to coasts. Here are our top 3.
If you're a two wheeled fanatic then the Brecon Beacons welcomes you with open arms and testing trails. You'll learn new tricks and routes nestled within the beautiful welsh mountains whilst meeting fun and like-minded people who share a passion for the outdoors.
From the hills and mountains down to Wale's vast and captivating forests where you'll learn and implement bush-craft techniques such as coppicing, conservation and wildlife value of woodland habitats. This involved experience provides you with the opportunity to indulge in the important practical skills required for spending time in woodlands.
Lastly, we arrive at the coast. Wale's coastlines are diverse, from crashing waves and grassy outcrops to serene beaches and towering cliffs. Foraging along Wale' coastline brings fun and food together in an interesting and engaging way, you'll learn about the tides, discover the hidden wonders of rock pools, as well as foraging for coastal plants, seaweeds and shellfish. To round off this seaside experience, you'll discover all about the local geology and history, then cook your edible finds on a “Swedish Candle“ in a sheltered cove.
Allow Wales to inspire, excite and entertain you, follow the link to explore the outdoor activities that you and your family can enjoy.
Photo Credits: Sammy Leigh Scholl | Joseph Reeder

Or, even better why not take the whole weekend? Book a nature retreat for you and your loved ones.